A new term begins


Thornhill Ministries

Responding to the Hunger for God in Our Time


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As a new term begins at work, in school, in the parish . . . we take time to honour the new beginning.


`Gentle 'Gathering Hymn' such as "Be still for the Presence of the Lord."


Words of welcome and scene-setting ( A short text is provided - though one might create something more specific to the particular gathering)


In the rhythm of the seasons, we find ourselves at a new beginning.

The work of last term is over.

The work of this term lies before us.

The work of being together as a ........................ has an opportunity for refreshed enthusiasm.

We take a moment to gather our thoughts


Gathering Rite

You are the Light whichthe darkness cannot overcome

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy

You are the Light who has come into our world

Christ have mercy Christ have mercy

You are the Light for all peoples

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy


Lord, in You we live

By the llight of faith we believe

May our desire to live in Your way

help us on the path into Your eternal light forever

where we will gaze on the beauty of Your face.

We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.


Scripture Reading

Ecclesiastes 3 (There is a time for every purpose under heaven)


Reflection Moment

What good things happen to me and for me because of my being in this ........... ?

What goodness do others experience through my commitment to .................. ?

What hopes have I for ..................... as a new term begins?

Who and what do I need to hold with gentleness and care as we begin again?








To you, O Lord, I look for shelter

let me not be disappointed.

In your goodness,

release me from anything that binds me,

hear the prayers I make

and give me the peace of your spirit.


Be the sure foundation of my life,

the unshakeable truth that never fails.

Be the wisdom that guides me

on the pathway of love

and the grace that leads me

in humility and truth.


Do not let me become complacent or unaware

of my selfishness or wrong-doing

Let me trust in your provident love for me

and never hide your face from me.


Glory be to the God who creates

Glory be to the God who redeems

Glory be to the Spirit who santctifies

As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without ent. Amen.


Closing Prayer

As I call time at the end of another day,

I acknowledge the moments of love and goodness I experienced.

I honour the situations that were a blessing to me.

I am grateful for those who cared for and inspired me.

I trust my rest-time into the hands of God and I ask:

'May the God of all protect me this night.

May I experience the peace of restful sleep.

May rise in the morning to make fresh beginnings

And so may it be for my family and friends.

I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.'






















A New Term Begins



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