Mercying Child within womb


Thornhill Ministries

Responding to the Hunger for God in Our Time


Tel: 028 7135 1233



Mercying the Child within the Womb


Hymn: Oh the word of my Lord

L: In this time of prayer, we offer intercession for the protection of the unborn.

In the quiet, we bring to mind anyone we know who, at this time, is expecting a baby: those who anticipate with joy the birth of a child, those who are confused as they contemplate the possibility of bringing a child into the world.

(Quiet naming of persons for whom we are offering this period of intercession.)


Litany of Petition:

L: Where two or three are gathered in Christ’s name, He is present.

As a community of believers, gathered around the Blessed Sacrament of Christ’s presence, we pray in petition.

Let us bend God's ear of mercy towards those in need . . .

For a child in the womb who has just been conceived

For the child in the womb who is struggling to be alive

For a parent who is struggling to accept a pregnancy

For those who grieve the loss of a child

For the parent who never had the chance to meet their child

For men who never knew they had fathered a child

For those who campaign for the protection of the unborn

For those who make our civil laws


Scripture Jeremiah 1

L:We pray Psalm 139 Oh Lord, you search me and you know me

Reflection time/Instrumental music or hymn


Litany of Thanksgiving.

L: In the quiet, we think of the many people we know who are affected by the illness that another person carries. Let us pray for family members and carers who do all they can to help those who are sick at this time. (Allow a few moments of quiet)

L:In thanksgiving for those who mercy the unborn we pray:

For mothers who accept new life within their womb R/ We give you thanks, O Lord

For fathers who embrace paternal responsibilities R/

For all who help in the birthing of children R/

For those who work in hospital maternity units R/

For those who counsel those who struggle with parenthood R/

For child care workers and second parents R/

For those who offer spiritual support to expectant parents R/

For those who mercy the unborn through their prayers R/

Concluding Prayer

L:Let us pray:

God of Mercy

We pray a blessing this evening

on the child within the womb.

As we continue to carry our loved ones

on the shoulder of Your mercy,

draw them close to You.

Hear the prayers we offer

for their healing and their peace.

We ask this in the name of Jesus, our brother and friend. Amen.


Divine Mercy Chaplet








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