Called to Communion with Christ and one another
There is a variety of gifts but always the same Spirit.
There are all sorts of service to be done but always to the same Lord.
Thornhill Ministries provides formal traning and/or days of reflection for those involved in the liturgical life of their faith communities. In the training, it is hoped that the faithful will grow in their appreciation of the distinct role of the priesthood of the laity and in their understanding of the ministerial priesthood.
Q: What is the purpose of this training?
A: To help a faith community develop a team of people who will have an understanding and appreciation of the heritage of worship in our Church.
Q: What about the reality of our faith community, which is quite different from other parishes?
A: At one level, no two parishes are the same. At another level, all parishes are faith communities who come together in weekly celebration of the mysteries of our faith. Thornhill Ministries is respectful of and sensitive to the pastoral realities of the parishes into which we are invited. We aspire to foster understanding and formation in those who minister in and to their parish. Our hope is also, that people of faith will learn to love the Liturgy which is the formal prayer of Christ's Church.
This initial set of six sessions includes:
•Planning the seasonal calendar of liturgy for our faith communities
•Enhancing our Sunday worship
•Developing an understanding of being a Eucharistic Community
•Holding weekday Liturgies in the absence of a priest
•Leading the Morning or Evening Prayer of the Church
•Resourcing Ministers of the Word and Ministers of Holy Communion
A parish/groups of parishes may book their preferred dates by contacting Thornhill Ministries (028 71351233) or
Courses can take place in the home parish or Parish Liturgy Teams may wish to come to Thornhill House, Derry, for training. We are happy to facilitate what is best for a parish.
MINISTERS OF THE WORD - Called to Proclaim
Thornhill Ministries trains people for the ministry of reading in Church. Courses for readers normally take place in the parish and have elements of catechesis, practical and technical instruction, liturgical formation and guidance around current norms for the ministry. The sacrament of Christ, present in the Word, speaks not only to those who hear but in a particular way to those who become His instrument as they proclaim that Word to and for others. Liturgical training helps for Ministers of the Word understand that their vocation is to give voice to the Scriptures for the community of believers.
"Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us along the road?"
The Blessed Sacrament of Christ, present in the Eucharist, invites us to the Table and calls us to communion. Those who become Eucharistic Ministers will offer the Body of Christ to the Body of Christ. Their hands become the instrument of carrying Christ to those who seek a sacred moment of Holy Communion with God. In the training of Ministers of the Eucharist, Thornhill Ministries offers spiritual, liturgical and practical formation.
"If you eat this Bread, you will live forever."
THE HIDDEN MINISTERS - Called to Prepare
Sacristans and Church Flower Arrangers, those responsible for décor and for cleaning the church building are among the more hidden ministers who support worship. At various times, Thornhill Ministries organises gatherings of these faithful ministers to provide a forum of support and assistance to them. Apart from peer sharing of good practice, we provide guidance around current norms for liturgy that may have impact on their ministry. These faithful members of our communities help ready the building for the gathering of the assembly. They ensure all is in place for the celebration of the sacred mysteries.
"Prepare ye the way of the Lord."
MUSIC MINISTERS - Called to Praise
Throughout the year, a variety of support is offered to assist Church Musicians in their ministry. Much of this is offered centrally through seminars and workshops. However, in some instance, choir leaders or parishes seek individual support. We ensure the dissemination of new music to Music Ministers and provide guidance around current norms for the ministry.
St. Augustine is often quoted saying, 'He who sings prays twice.' Church Musicians serve their community by adding to Liturgies with music that is 'in tune' with the texts and seasons in which the celebrations are taking place. Apart from furnishing ministers with appropriate and fresh church music, we ensure that the call to help the community in lifting hearts and voices in prayer and praise is not lost.
"Lift up your hearts to the Lord in praise of His mercy."
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